XXXXXXXXON a recent visit to the Hobby Shop I came across two things that caught my eye. One of them being Parma's Faskolor Fasglitter paint. The other being the new HPI's bodies for their new Micro RS4s. Two things I have yet to try and were eager to try out. So, me with a little extra Christmas cash still in the pocket grab every color of Fasglitter, a couple extras of the nicer colors, a Nissan Skyline Micro and a Porsche Micro body and head towards the register. Well, about four hours later I am sitting in my workshop with the bodies and the paint in front of me, trying to figure out what exactly I want to do. Naturally I am going to kill two birds with one stone and combine both new projects into one. Now if you know me I am by far not going to be boring with these. I need to experiment right off the bat. If I can succeed in a more custom approach I know I can do the plain look. So I decide to do what I do best and that is to do a mix of the glitters. With mixes, no matter what kind of paint , I feel there is never an ok mix. It is either really good or really bad. For the body most of it will be solid color but I wanted the carbon fiber look on the hood and tinted windows. I chose the Skyline as this is one of my favorite bodies. Well that and also my girlfriend had already pointed out that the Porsche must be red with some Kanji on the hood. (this is her favorite car and that is her favorite color) So on to the Skyline with a little masking and then a mix of paint is added to the canister. One thing I noticed at first was that this was a pretty thin paint and can bead up very easily if oversprayed the slightest. You had to have the right pressure to paint mix to get it just right. Soon the flake started to build up and take its form. At first I noticed that the paint (not the flake) was a milky color. I was told that this would happen and that when you backed the Fasglitter up it will just blend in and you wouldnt see it. Soon enough the layers were laid and it was backed up with a dark color to really give it the vibrance and contrast I wanted out of it and as told the milkyness disappeared. I ended up with a beautiful vibrant mix which I will most deffinitely add to my site as a choice of colors under the name "Fireball".Then onto the carbon fiber hood. My normal mask for this was way to large and out of scale for such a tiny body. After some searching through the closet and tool boxes I found te perfect mask for it. Cut a peice out and laid it and soon enough I had my carbon fiber looking hood. Now as it was I was pretty happy with how it looked and then I took off the overspray film and the body just jumped out at me. I soon cleaned up and then broke out my scissors and exacto blades. thirty minutes later I had a body that I am thoroughly pleased with and I would consider a success on the projects. So next step would be to snap a few pics and throw em up here.